Our Parcel Pod Prototype Pilot Program is live! Click here to sign up!


They do the shipping. We do the handling.

Don't Work Around Deliveries, Make Them Work Around You.

Deliveries were made to be simple and convenient for you. We intend to keep it that way.

Our Edge


Our advanced Parcel Pod technology provides unmatched protection for your deliveries, ensuring your packages remain safe and secure from the moment they arrive until you retrieve them.


Streamline your delivery experience with instant notifications, easy access controls, and a seamless pickup process that saves you time and eliminates package anxiety.


Access your deliveries on your schedule with our smart locking system and mobile app integration. No more missed deliveries or coordination with courier services.

Our Solution

Experience seamless package delivery and pickup with our secure Parcel Pod system.

Delivery Process

  1. 1


    Courier swipes the tracking label - your Pod recognizes your package instantly.

  2. 2


    Pod automatically opens and locks away your package in seconds.

  3. 3


    Get real-time confirmation that your delivery is safe and sound.

Delivery Process illustrationPickup Process illustration

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